The 25th September eXpression Umeå and Ume Projects arranged a fashion show. I’m so happy I could participate in it with my grments! I made a small spleepwear collection with Hummingbird tunic and trousers and Fieldfare joggers. Here are som pictures from the show, all taken by Malin Grönborg.

Hummingbird tunic with short sleeve and Hummingbird trousers (long version)

Hummingbird tunic with long sleeves sewn in jogging fabric and Hummingbird trousers as shorts. And behind the mama is a shy Hummingbird tunik with 3/4 sleeves and a Fieldfare joggers.

So many fantastic and creative people participated in the show.


It was also great to see some of my clients in the show!

Sigr and Hummingbird tunic together

Many thanks to Oskar from eXpression and Lisa from Ume Project
Unfortunately I cound not be there myself, but I’m so happy that I could still join and see it on their live stream and that they had such a good photographer there.
You can find all my PDF patterns at my Etsy shop!